ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556

Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor

ENT diseases and health

ENT Dangers caused by Drug Abuse

ENT Dangers caused by Drug Abuse


ENT refers to the ears, nose, and throat. All three are common means for drug intake and over time many patients taking recreational drugs experience a myriad of ENT related syndromes. Each syndrome is different depending on the type of drug taken but there are a few common elements.


Ear Dangers Caused by Drug Abuse

Certain drugs like inhalants and hallucinogens can cause tinnitus condition in the ear. This is a condition that isn’t as common as rotten teeth or blood-shot eyes but it does happen and it can also become a leading gateway to hearing loss. Continue reading

Tonsillitis Symptoms and Treatments

Tonsillitis Symptoms and Treatments


Tonsillitis is an ailment that results in inflamed tonsils, the two pads of tissue in your throat that protect the mouth from infection. Those with tonsillitis suffer from swollen tonsils, sore throats and have difficulty swallowing. While some cases go away after a few days, others require medical attention.



Tonsillitis symptoms include sore throat, fever, reddish, swollen tonsils and white or yellowish patches around the tonsils. In addition, the neck glands may be enlarged, and the voice will sound muffled or scratched. Other symptoms include stomach aches, headache, stiff neck, and in children, drooling. Continue reading

Tinnitus Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Tinnitus Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


Tinnitus is characterized by ringing or tingling in the ears and it’s common among men and women over the age of 50. However, it isn’t strictly a medical condition and more of a symptom signifying circulatory system disorder, hearing loss or another ear injury.



The most common symptoms are phantom noises, which can be hissing, clicking, roaring, buzzing or ringing, and the pitch can be a high squealing noise or low, and it may manifest in one or both ears. The sounds may come and go or be a constant presence. Continue reading

Swallowing Problems Due to Eustachian Tube Malfunction

Swallowing Problems Due to Eustachian Tube Malfunction


If you are experiencing ear pain and it is affecting your ability to swallow, your Eustachian Tube might be the reason. To be sure about the cause, you need to have your condition checked by an ENT doctor right away.


Eustachian Tube

This tube is actually a small canal connecting the middle ear (the part behind the eardrum) with the back of the upper throat and the nose. Its main function is to balance or equalize the air pressure in the middle ear with the pressure of the outside environment. Continue reading

Sleep Disorders Caused by Vertigo

Sleep Disorders Caused by Vertigo


When your ears have problems, you may not only suffer from hearing loss, but you will also experience other related deficiencies as well. In fact, you may experience sleep disorders because of the interrelated functions of your ears, nose and throat.


One of the ear problems that can affect the quality of your sleep is vertigo. It is difficult to have this condition because when you lie in bed, you will feel as if the whole world is going round in circles. When you have vertigo, the simple act of lying in bed will be frightening. Continue reading

Ruptured Eardrum Symptoms and Treatments

Ruptured Eardrum Symptoms and Treatments


A ruptured ear or perforated tympanic membrane occurs when a tear or hole appears in the eardrum, separating the middle ear and ear canal. If this occurs, your middle ear becomes susceptible to injury and hearing loss. While some ruptured eardrums heal quickly, others require treatment or surgery.



Ear pain is the most common symptom and may be accompanied by bloody, pus filled or clear drainage. You will also experience some degree of hearing loss, hear ringing sounds or feel vertigo, resulting in vomiting and/or nausea. It’s very important you see a doctor because the inner and middle ears are very delicate and susceptible to disease if not treated. Continue reading

Non Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms and Treatments

Non Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms and Treatments 


Nonallergic rhinitis is a medical condition characterized by a drippy or congested nose. It is similar to hay fever in some respects, but unlike the latter there’s no allergic reaction here. Nonallergic rhinitis can affect adults and children, but the condition is more common among individuals over 20. Continue reading

Nasal Polyps Symptoms and Treatments

Nasal Polyps Symptoms and Treatments

Nasal polyps are growths that appear on the nasal passage lining or sinuses. Although they are noncancerous, they can still be painful at times and if left untreated could result in complications. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat the condition, and it’s easy to recognize the symptoms. Continue reading

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