What is Thyroid Cancer ?
One of the most common cancers is thyroid cancer. In 2014 there were just over 62,900 cases of thyroid cancer in the United States. Fortunately, the chances of complications are low while five year survival rates are high – clocked in at 95%.
Development of Spinal Metastasis
This means only 1 of 20 ever develop serious complications. As of 2014, over 1,800 died from serious complications. One of the most common issues with thyroid cancer is when it spreads to the nearest part of the body – the spine. This is referred to as spinal metastasis.
Out of the majority of patients diagnosed with well-differentiated thyroid cancer, 3% will develop bone metastasis, particularly through the spine. Furthermore, almost 50% of patients that develop bone metastasis develop vertebral metastasis.
Complications Due to Thyroid Cancer – Spinal Metastasis
The original cancer growth, paired with spinal metastasis, could lead to spinal compression and even fracture. This is one of the first complications met that leads to significant drop in the quality of life of the patient. Spinal fracture around the neck leads to paralysis and reduced motor functions for eating, conversing, and breathing.
There are also possibilities of metastasis developing in other areas of the body such as the lungs, breast, and the brain. Fortunately, these occurrences are quite rare, with the lung metastasis seeing a general 13% chance of occurring, breast metastasis at 8%, and brain metastasis at 3.7%.
Since spinal metastasis is the most common complications, here is a rundown of some of the more common treatment options:
Treatment Options for Thyroid Cancer Spinal Metastasis
While there are many options to kill the cancer cells such chemotherapy and laser surgery, the most common procedures done for treating these complications are relegated to:
Steroid therapy is also used to treat bone pain.
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