ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556

Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor

sleep disorder

Get Treatment for Sleep Apnea, Sleep Better

Sleep apnea (or sleep disorder) will definitely affect sleep quality! If you have been diagnosed with it, your breathing will either be nearly completely or completely obstructed on an intermittent basis during the night. You will then briefly wake up to remove the obstruction, which will adversely impact your otherwise restful sleep.


Fortunately, you can seek medical treatment and adopt lifestyle remedies to improve your symptoms. You will then enjoy more restful sleep periods that will improve your health in more ways than one. Continue reading

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