ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556

Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor

dust allergy management tips

What to Do When You’re Sensitive to Dust or Dust Allergy

You might think that being on the road can be a bad place to be when you have dust allergies. But in fact your home may be a more dangerous place for you when you’re allergic to dust. It’s even stranger when you consider how your allergy symptoms become worse when you’re dusting and vacuuming. But that’s because the dusting process stirs up the dust in the air, so you’re liable to inhale them more easily.


You can help minimize the problem by following these dust allergy management tips:


  • Clean your home regularly, preferably with a central vacuum or a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
  • It’s best if someone without the allergy does the cleaning. It should be done while the allergic person is away. The allergic person can then return after about 3 hours, as it can take more than 2 hours for the dust to settle.
  • If you’re doing the cleaning and you’re allergic, you should wear an N95 filter mask while you’re cleaning.
  • Avoid having wall-to-wall carpets in your home, especially in the bedroom. Carpets tend to be dust collectors. Better to go with wood flooring instead.
  • If you’re allergic, you must make sure that you keep your bedroom free from dust and other triggers. You should keep a HEPA air cleaner running in your bedroom all the time. Pet dogs and cats should never be allowed inside. Your mattresses and pillows must use “mite-proof” cases. You need to regularly wash all your bed linens, using hot water.
  • Cockroaches can also be a trigger for your allergy symptoms. If you have roaches in your home, you should try cockroach traps and use the services of a professional pest control service. If you have food outside the refrigerator, it must be covered. Food waste must be disposed of in a tightly sealed garbage bin.
  • In the furnace and the air conditioning unit, put in a high-efficiency media filter with a MERV rating of 11 or 12. Keep the fan running so the air filter can filter the air throughout the house. Keep the air clean by changing the filter every 3 months, as the seasons change.
  • Make sure your HVAC system is inspected and serviced by professionals every 6 months.
  • Use a hygrometer to measure the humidity in your home regularly. You need to keep the humidity below 55%. A dehumidifier can help, and you can put in a vent fan in your kitchen and bathrooms. Make sure you repair all water leaks immediately.


If you wonder if you suffers from dust allergy or others, it is suggested to consult an ENT doctor for the appropriate ENT services as soon as possible. HK ENT Specialist Ltd. is a professional Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre to offer ENT Services. Please contact us for an appointment at 3100 0555.




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