How Can Ear Infection Cause Breathing Problems?
If you have an untreated ear infection, you may eventually experience breathing problems. Your ear infection might not be bothering you but your difficulty in breathing will surely do. So, you need to learn how your ear infection can adversely affect your ability to breathe.
Eyes, Ears and Nose are Inter-Connected
The functions of our eyes, ears and nose are inter-related. If one has a problem, the other would also be affected. For instance, if you have a runny nose because of colds, your eyes would be watery, and your ability to hear will be affected.
What is an Ear Infection?
Most of the ear infections occur in the middle ear. It is the air filled central cavity of our ear. Having a vacant space makes it vulnerable to infections of bacteria and viruses. When it is infected, there will be pus build-up and your ear will feel like it is ready to pop. You will begin to feel pain.
If you have colds or allergies, your Eustachian tube gets blocked enabling bacteria and viruses to enter your middle ear. This tube is the narrow canal connecting your middle ear to your throat. Once these germs multiply inside your middle ear, you will have ear infection. And with the ear infection, you will experience breathing difficulties.
Symptoms of Ear Infection
In adults the common symptoms of ear infection are pain in the ear, certain hearing loss and drainage of ear fluid.
With children, the symptoms are more diverse. Aside from the above mentioned signs, they include pulling of the ear, difficulty in sleeping, irritability, loss of appetite, fever, crying a lot, and headache.
How to Prevent Ear Infection
As you can see, ear infection is not contagious. But colds are. Therefore, one of the most effective things you can do is to avoid catching cold. Even if it appears offensive, you need to avoid people who have colds, and those who are sneezing and coughing continuously. They are virus carriers so beware.
You can also avoid getting your ear infected by treating your cold as soon as it sets in. Drinking a lot of fluid to flush out the mucus is one good measure. Taking vitamin C capsules and tablets until your cold goes away is another good option.
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables will provide your body a good supply of vitamin C as well. It will also strengthen your immune system enabling you to ward off any bacteria and virus attack.
The best thing for you to do if you suspect that your ear is infected is to see an ENT specialist for ENT services and treatment. He will be able to diagnose the real cause of your problem and prescribe the right treatment.
HK ENT Specialist Ltd.
Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre
For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,
Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,
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