Ear (Otology)
- Neonatal hearing screening
- Paediatric and adult hearing test
- Hearing restoration treatments including cochlear implant surgery, bone anchored hearing aid surgery
- Stapedectomy and ossiculoplasty
- A comprehensive range of micro ear surgery
Nose (Rhinology)
- Allergic rhinitis skin prick test
- Video-nasoendoscopy for examination of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- A comprehensive range of nasal surgery
- Minimally invasive endoscopic sinus surgery
Throat (Laryngology)
- Voice and speech assessment and treatment
- Videostroboscopic examination of vocal cord for diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal carcinoma
- Treatment for vocal cord paralysis
- Swallowing disorder assessment and treatment
- A full range of laryngeal surgery
Head and Neck Oncology
- All kinds of head and neck tumours including parotid and thyroid gland disease
Sleep disordered breathing Management
- Sleep disordered breathing study
- Sleep nasoendoscopy
- Surgical treatment for snoring and obstructive sleep breathing disorder
Facial Plastic Surgery
Hearing aid fitting
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